We have our own set of three courses for Equine Facilitated Learning, designed with equine behavioural science and animal welfare underpinning the content, human psychology using principles of Positive Psychology, emotional wellfare of horses and humans, choice and empowerment.

The first course, Understanding Equine Facilitated Learning is suitable for anyone who is in regular contact with a horse (perhaps a horse owner or loaner) who would like to gain more from their interactions and experience deeper mental health benefits. It is also ideal as an add-on for people having regular EFL sessions as they will learn about the principles behind EFL and be able to begin guiding sessions to best suit themselves. The course runs over 8 weeks, with 2 hours for each session. In the session we combine theory with practical work, and then you will have a full one hour session. Feedback and reflection from the session will help you to examine how it can benefit you, and how to make adjustments. You will also be required to work with a horse of your own between sessions, and discuss your progress in the following session.

The second level course, Assisting with Equine Facilitated Learning begins the journey of science and understanding, of horse and human brain. It looks in greater depth at the types of sessions and what an assistant can do to help the session run smoothly. On completing, the learner could effectively run a session under supervision, with content provided.
Course content includes looking at the learning styles of individuals, neurodiversity, disability and mental health conditions to understand a session from the learner perspective. The course runs for 12 weeks, with 2 hours for each session. In order to cover the while content in as cost effective manner as possible, there will be substantial background reading and research. You will assist with sessions at our site in order to gain confidence and skills, as well as begin to provide feedback to the Leader.
Assessment will be through a portfolio of evidence and research, and can be submitted up to 6 months after completion of the sessions.

The final level Leading Equine Facilitated Learning takes the trainee through to designing their sessions, information on the nervous systems of horse and human, legal requirements and examining research. It provides methods of assessment for session outcomes, and a full pack of templates is provided for designing sessions, record keeping etc.
The course takes at least 60 hours, which can be over a period of weeks or months to suit. Most of the learning will be one to one, or in small groups. Assessment will be in the form of case studies, observed sessions and a portfolio of evidence of session planning. Assessment can be completed up to 6 months after completion of the course.